

Last active 3 years ago

  1. 3 years ago
    Sat Mar 27 14:02:27 2021
    N newnem posted in Push notifications setup.

    Hi , i have integrated google-services.json into the app , but i can not receive the notification when order comes. if im using chrome, the notification works normally. Could you please help me solve it. Thanks

  2. Mon Mar 8 13:17:04 2021

    Will you have onesignal notification intergrated in the future ?

  3. Mon Mar 8 09:37:29 2021
    N newnem started the conversation OneSignal Web Push notifications not working .

    Hi support,
    I would like to ask you a solution for Onesignal notification on the app.
    I set up the php website with onesignal web push notification. Everything is working fine , i receive the notification with soud-ringing on chrome browser.
    When i create the app, then no notification come, no sound in the app. Could you please help ?
    Thank you so much.

  4. Mon Mar 1 12:21:54 2021
    N newnem posted in Push with OneSignal.

    Yeap ! add onesignal to the app is great. most of the app now are using onesignal and firebase nowadays.

  5. Sun Feb 14 22:13:49 2021
    N newnem posted in Print button not working.

    Thank you for your answer. But there is an issue. We have button to print out with thermal printer format(58mm or 80mm). The app show print only A4 format.

  6. Sat Feb 13 14:56:22 2021
    N newnem started the conversation Print button not working.

    I have a button to print out using thermal printer (bluetooth) . But when i click on that button , nothing happen. Could you tell me the solution ? Thanks

  7. Sat Feb 13 13:10:59 2021
    N newnem joined the forum.