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  1. last year
    Tue Feb 7 09:59:41 2023
    U user8D782729jdr posted in Admob cause App Crash Issue on Startup.

    Regarding, Admob cause App Crash Issue on Startup?

    Hi, After integrating Admob ads the App Crashes on Startup. the Admob App ID and Ad Unit ID was correctly input. Please can you check and confirm if the latest version of your soft working correctly with Admob integration, if so then please provide documentation. Thanks

  2. Tue Feb 7 09:56:56 2023
    U user8D782729jdr started the conversation Admob cause App Crash Issue on Startup.

    Regarding, Admob cause App Crash Issue on Startup?

    Hi, After integrating Admob ads the App Crashes on Startup. the Admob App ID and Ad Unit ID was correctly input. Please can you check if the latest version of your soft working correctly with Admob integration. Thanks

  3. 2 years ago
    Fri Oct 21 13:43:18 2022
    U user8D782729jdr posted in After updating 5.1 pro, keystore not loading.

    Latest Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 Runtime is already installed, also tried installing Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 Developer Pack, but still keystores not loaded.

  4. Fri Oct 21 13:40:32 2022
    U user8D782729jdr started the conversation After updating 5.1 pro, keystore not loading.

    Hi, after updating to 5.1 pro, keystores are not loading, showing error. Please share a solution and fix this.

  5. Thu Oct 20 20:46:53 2022

    Hi, em a bit confused. API Level 31 was already availabe in the previous version 5.0. The latest API Level is 33(Android 13 “Tiramisu”). So please re-confirm if 5.1 Pro supports API Level 33 or 31. And also update on download page, if it is misspelled.

    You guys confirmed already about 5.0 supporting API 31:
    link text


  6. Thu Oct 20 08:44:17 2022

    Hi, any ETA on Update to API Level 33 (Android 13)? Thanks

  7. Thu Oct 20 08:42:57 2022

    Regarding, SSL Certificate Error: The certificate hostname mismatch, do you want to continue anyway?

    Hi, I like to add that SSL Certificate Error is showing on all apk apps and primary domains. Please fix this issue on next update. Thanks

  8. Fri Sep 30 06:23:09 2022

    Hello and Greetings!
    Regarding, SSL Certificate Error: The certificate hostname mismatch, do you want to continue anyway?

    Please can you fix this issue in the new update, for example, can you skip this notification in app made by websitetoapk software!
    I, know there must be plenty of technical reasons for why, it is only shown in app and not website, however, it would be great, if there is a way to make the app skip this error and continue without asking the user, maybe you guys can write a short code to make this notification disappeared. As from my side, I, have checked many things before reaching out, and there seemed to be no identifiable reason for this to happen as the ssl was installed with both www.example.com and example.com , it cannot be due to hosting ip either, as it makes no logical sense, however it may not be shown on the primary hosting domain. Whatever the reason or cause, please make it auto skippable, and not shown to the user.

    Thanks & regards, and have a nice day.

  9. Tue Aug 16 08:25:07 2022

    Hi, Can I know when you guys will be Updating to API Level 33 for Android 13 Targeting?


  10. Tue Aug 2 10:55:02 2022

    Regarding New Requirement for Updating to API Level 33 for Android 13 Targeting!

    Hi, Please fix and include this for the new upcoming update. As this is new requirement for submission by Google. Thanks

    Google Warnings Shown:
    You must complete the advertising ID declaration before you can release an app that targets Android 13 (API 33). We'll use this declaration to provide safeguards in Play Console to accommodate changes to advertising ID in Android 13.

    Apps targeting Android 13 or above and use advertising ID must include the com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID permission in the manifest.

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