JOHNNY inside


Last active 3 years ago

  1. 3 years ago
    Tue Aug 10 08:18:47 2021
    JOHNNY inside posted in Download Images in App.

    Since API 28, local files are forbidden (you cannot download them). At least, not possible now without a little fine-tuning on the Java side.

  2. Tue Aug 10 08:13:42 2021
    JOHNNY inside posted in Open links outside app.

    The openExternal() uses GET to send the request.

    Is it possible to set a secondary (and optional) parameter to make a POST request, instead of a GET one?

  3. Mon Aug 9 10:30:12 2021
    JOHNNY inside posted in Download & Save a File in App Itself.

    Having the same issue, but my case is a bit different, I'm creating the image file on the fly and need to save it to user's device. And I get a toast sayings that Cannot download the file if it is not coming from http/url, which is a crossOrigin problem, as my app is local and uses the file:// protocol.

    I've heard that it might be unblocked by toggling some lines of code in the java files, but we don't have access to it.

  4. Mon Aug 9 05:49:34 2021

    Could this code help?

    @Override boolean onJsPrompt (WebView view, String url, String message, String defaultValue, JsPromptResult result) { 
        final EditText input = new EditText(main);
        new AlertDialog.Builder(myApp) 
          .setTitle("App Titler")
          .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { 
             public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
          .setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { 
             public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
         return true;
  5. Sun Aug 8 13:27:24 2021
    JOHNNY inside posted in API for Image / File Saving.

    Oops! Help needed!

    I have a Javascript library which creates and saves QR codes. It worked like a charm on the browser but now that I am compiling everything in an offline app, there's no way I can save the QR image. I get the same error described by Ricardo Nuñez before. I get the alert:

    Can only download HTTP/HTTPS URIs, followed by the image internal code.

    Already turned on all possible rights for the app and still getting the same problem. As stated, it should be related to the restrictions that since API 28 have all those files using the protocol file://. Ok, that's the problem, but... which is the solution? Could anyone help me out with it?

    I've read that it could be solved:

    Another sample:

    Even this could help:

    Is that something that could be done in a quick update? I am literally on stand-by waiting for this to release a new feature in my app. Please, give it a shot.

  6. Sun Aug 8 12:22:55 2021
    JOHNNY inside posted in Coming Features Upgrade?.

    We already have a general option to prevent screen shots from our apps. Can we turn it on or off using the JS API, so that we could just block some pages inside our project and not all pages?

  7. Fri Aug 6 11:12:22 2021
    JOHNNY inside started the conversation Cryptocurrency subscription payment available?.

    Hi, guys!

    I'm wondering if I can renewal my subscription (which is about to expire) using cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.)?

    If so, could you please provide your public address and the steps to follow? So that you could match the payment with the user profile or whatever your need to do.

  8. Sun Aug 1 06:16:38 2021
    JOHNNY inside posted in Android App Bundle (.aab) Support.

    I downloaded version 5.0 today (Aug 1st, 2021) and when I clicked on the Build App Bundle button, I get a message saying that for offline apps it is not available yet.

  9. Tue Feb 23 08:31:27 2021

    Where can we get further information about the new features and how to use them, please...

  10. 4 years ago
    Fri Feb 5 15:49:27 2021

    I don't think it's possible from the app. Instead, you should use Javascript to read the width and height from the screen device and guess if it is a tablet. I know, it s***s. But, I cannot imagine any other solution.

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