Last active 5 years ago
web2apk absolutely not optimised for music, i opened the ticket and the conversation, but they not helped me and closed ticket and conversation, i never buy this app again for the such support...
Hi! I can help with Russian language!
any discounts for the second time buying license?
Ok not about pdf but as i said web-view not working, then i make html with users google authorization its not working, but early its worked
Also web-view as embedded user agent not working in our aps from october, plz find the solution for it
Hi admin!
Tnx for answer but google docs need registration fir using its not good for users of app, think again in my ask plzz. (Where is ready solution in java)
Plz plz where is a java plugin to use pdf in html, can you implement this plugin?
Custom html not static welcome screen
Hi! Plz make some code optimization on next update, why when i make an app where is a lot of problwms of page loading speed, sometimes pressing buttons not reacting, not going to hyperlink, all users of app say the bad optimization!
Yes you are right, google can block and delete our accounts, i have to wright in all my aps description that it is not a virus, but a lot of users delete my app and giveing me bad mark and 1-2 stars in