
Last active last year

  1. last year
    Thu Aug 3 10:59:26 2023

    I'm sorry, but I just don't agree. Just like a couple of years ago where you killed my app due to an error on your side and didn't bother to do anything back (Ticket ID: 3E2-F38-FB8AB).
    So sorry, no understanding from my side.

  2. Thu Aug 3 07:11:51 2023

    No... But I would have expected for less then 3 months upgrade the price would be like USD 20,-. Not full price.

  3. Tue Aug 1 11:18:28 2023

    So that would be US$ 59 for less then 3 months of use.
    That's not an upgrade, that's a scam. Sorry...

  4. Mon Jul 31 14:04:34 2023

    Thanks. I purchased my Material Plus last October. The upgrade fee is USD 59,-.
    When will the license expire? October (as per my old subscription) or 31-07-2024 (per my new upgrade date)?

  5. Sun Jul 30 09:46:32 2023

    It's nice to see that Android TV is now supported. I am tinking about upgrading my Pro version to Material Plus, but wondering 2 things:

    1. If I upgrade my existing license; How does this go price-wise? Do I have to pay the full price?
    2. Do you expect that my app will work on AndroidTV.

    My app:
    The website it's actually displaying:

  6. Sun Apr 16 15:06:01 2023

    The app is now also crashing a lot:


  7. Sun Apr 16 14:59:40 2023
    TFH started the conversation App created with website2apk seen as malware.

    I'm getting various reports that my app is being detected as malware. The numbers of installations are dropping like crazy:


    Avast is seeing it as malware. This is now the second time I am loosing my userbase due to a problem with Website2APK.

  8. Mon Apr 3 19:29:36 2023

    Almost 3 years later. Do you have an update on this subject?

  9. Sun Apr 2 19:45:57 2023

    Indeed... it seems the website2apk team has changed something on their side.
    I've updated my Splash-screen so it fits again. It would be nice though if these kind of changed get communicated to the customers.

  10. Sat Apr 1 09:19:16 2023


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