Build Error! Due to Quote in Share Text

  1. 7 years ago

    When you use a single quote in the "App Share Text" (I used "Let's play"), website2apk builder no longer generates an APK. Instead you get a very informative "Build Error Occurred" popup. The popup refers to this URL for "proper resolution":
    No mention there that even something simple as a single quote in the App Share Text can fail the build process.
    That page does not allow comments, I can't post a note that a single quote in the App Share Text makes the build process fail.
    Dear website 2 apk builder engineers: can you please fix this error? I'm pretty sure you forgot to escape single quotes somewhere.

  2. admin

    16 Aug 2017 Administrator

    @av01d , Thank you for reporting the issue, we will look into it and try to resolve the issue soon within an update.

  3. 5 months ago

    It sounds like you're encountering an issue with the Website2APK builder when using a single quote in the "App Share Text." This often happens because the builder may not handle certain characters correctly, leading to errors during the APK generation process.

    To resolve this issue:

    Escape the Single Quote: Try using a backslash before the single quote, like this: Let\'s play.

    Use Double Quotes: If possible, replace the single quote with double quotes, or adjust the text to avoid using special characters.


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