Suggestions for Update v5.2

  1. last year


    27 Jul 2023 Administrator

    We are working on update v5.2, all of your suggestions are welcome. :)

  2. hope there's adding firebase function

  3. admin

    29 Jul 2023 Administrator

    We have added Firebase In-App messaging feature already.

  4. Here's to hoping for the removal of the package name changing being only a feature for premium/activated versions of the program..

  5. 5 months ago


    Aug 9
    Deleted 5 months ago by website2apk_support
  6. i saw issue in app, there is problem in older devices, like open chat app and input at the bottom so when click on it the keybord appear but the text input is still down at bottom so user cant see what he is typing , but in new device it detect and adjust accordingly watch video

  7. in app purchase please


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