

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Sun Apr 29 11:16:28 2018
    M meetpres started the conversation Push notifications with Image and URL using Firebase.

    I have been using lot of webview in the past years, Now am using Website 2 APK Pro Plus and am having a really frustrating issue, I need to send Push notifications with image and URL using firebase, Normally if i was able to import the files into Android studio, it would have helped because i would be able to configure custom key data and value for sending images and custom url within the webview.

    Since there is no documentation on this on the website, and since there is no way of importing this app into android store, i would like to ask, what is the configures values for this here on your website because me using it without adding custom image and url to my push notification is making it kinda useless to me and this is making me not being able to engage my users the way i want.

    I dont want to use the push admin, since i already have programming knowledge, you guys should be able to provide me with the custome key values for Push Admin.


  2. Sat Jun 10 15:04:46 2017
    M meetpres started the conversation Importing To Android Studio.

    Please how can I access files from the software on android studio, or they are a way I can import it into android studio and make some modifications. I am publishing my app to Damsung store and it requires a few word modification.???

  3. Sat Jun 10 15:00:26 2017
    M meetpres joined the forum.