Suggestions for better Website2Apk

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by amosb

    First, I want to commend @ website2apk team for the good work so far and successful 2018, kudos.

    Before the release of vs 3.4 request was made for expected features, I would have love to list some but have already at one time or another asked. All though, some of the requests were considered but a lot left.

    For the record, kindly consider these soonest:

    • api to hide admob banner on some pages: will be useful for hybrid app with login, registration and similar pages
    • more ad base e.g (facebook audience network)
    • api to share url or text on install apps
    • inapp purchase (if possible)
    • full doc on push admin api responses
    • affiliate portal for your services


  2. admin

    29 Dec 2018 Administrator

    @amosb , Thank you for the appreciation, we always want to make it much more better.

    We hope to add most of the things in the next update from what you have above listed.

  3. 5 years ago

    Sir, Try to add a option to encrypt web data and change the default directory as assist folder to distributed folders to avoid easily copy of data.

  4. 3 years ago

    Hi admin I think it would be a good idea for you to make Website 2 APK Builder a premium version with all the features for free but it could have ads.
    For example, if you wanted to use red items, then the app could put a long ad for the user.
    Because there are definitely many people who would not want to pay money for the Premium version.
    So be sure to try on earth, because I am sure that if you did this, so users and you would be much happier.
    Red items = Configure Navigation Drawer, Pull to refresh, deep linking, jne jne...

  5. Advertising ???
    Please do not.
    I want the app without ads.
    everything else is embarrassing

  6. admin

    5 May 2021 Administrator

    For everyone to know, we will never put any ads, even in the free version. As our promise remains to our customers to provide best experience, we won't put ads, not now, not ever.


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