Build Error, Signing Error!

  1. 8 years ago


    21 Nov 2016 Administrator
    Edited 2 months ago by admin

    Latest Info: Kindly install latest v5.4 to get it fully resolved!

    If you still using an older version:

    It is usually an error occurred while app compiling fails due to some reasons, it's not a major issue, you can follow simple steps below to get rid of such an error:

    1) You have installed JDK 8+. Java 16 may cause issues.

    2) If there are multiple installations of Java, they can cause conflict, remove all versions of Java and install again.

    3) If using 'Local HTML' option, don't use unsupported filenames. Optimize all images in local HTML folder.

    4) Your PNG's are optimized and Real PNG's(Make sure that you didn't renamed to png from jpg, jpeg, etc.). For confirmation, you can try a build without changing icon and splash, if succeeds, surely it's PNG error.

    5) Important: If you have some antivirus program, that might be blocking the access, you should try by disabling it.


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