OneSignal Web Push notifications not working

  1. 3 years ago
    Edited 3 years ago by newnem

    Hi support,
    I would like to ask you a solution for Onesignal notification on the app.
    I set up the php website with onesignal web push notification. Everything is working fine , i receive the notification with soud-ringing on chrome browser.
    When i create the app, then no notification come, no sound in the app. Could you please help ?
    Thank you so much.

  2. admin

    8 Mar 2021 Administrator

    Web notifications won't work. You need to integrate native android notifications using Firebase.

  3. Will you have onesignal notification intergrated in the future ?

  4. I do not believe that.
    They want to sell their own services.
    I've asked the question before, but it was deleted.
    But it would be a desirable option


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