Server Side Update (29-03-2023)
API Level 33
Full Screen Immersive Mode
**Bug Fixes
Server Side Update (29-03-2023)
API Level 33
Full Screen Immersive Mode
**Bug Fixes
I've just tried updating my app. But for some reason the splash screen doesn't fit on the screen anymore.
This is the splash file I use:
This is the result in the app:
I've been using this splash screen for 2 - 3 years now.
I haven't updated the file in the playstore yet. So here you can see the oldt version with the correct splash:
Here you can download the new APK with the faulty splash screen:
I also noted that the file-size of my app has almost doubled from 1.2MByte to 2.2MByte while I didn't change anything.
Kindly raise a support ticket with your old & new splash image screenshots on the link below:
Indeed... it seems the website2apk team has changed something on their side.
I've updated my Splash-screen so it fits again. It would be nice though if these kind of changed get communicated to the customers.