Content Sharing JavaScript API

  1. 7 years ago

    Hello, is there api command for content sharing? Seems the default function is best configure for sharing the app/apk link.
    If NO, can this be considered for next release?

  2. admin

    12 Jun 2017 Administrator

    @amosb , Thank you for sharing your suggestion with us.

    For App Sharing, We already have an API Website2APK.shareIntent(); .

    But as you asked for "Content Sharing", Does it mean, to share custom links or content using some parameters in the share function, We can surely consider your suggestion with the upcoming release. If you think of it being some other kind, we will be glad to know your views.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by amosb

    YES.. for links and define text, just like the supported custom dialog box ... Thanks

  4. Would be nice if we can trigger the sharing menu when pressing an image. Or maybe set it to be a wallpaper?


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