Do iframes work?

  1. 7 years ago

    Hello, I have created a menu with iframe, and the menu is not displayed.

    Is there a problem with using iframe?

  2. There's an issue with iframes. If the iframe refers to a local document (i. e. iframe src="example.html") then the user will be redirected to that document and your menu will not be shown.

  3. The truth is that I do not know what they have corrected, are things that have been reported, asked many times to solve this problem, and seems to still continue, I wonder if it serves anything to report the problems we are going Finding, this problem is not new, I think they have no idea how to fix it because if not, I would already have fixed this problem in this version.

    I have sent applications to check the problem with iframe, but it seems that neither have looked, sorry to say but is yet another disappointment.

  4. admin

    2 May 2017 Administrator

    iframes are big security threats to the web applications.



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