Download Images in App

  1. 6 years ago

    Hi admin, please add download image feature in website 2 apk.
    so that it can function like other applications


  2. admin

    16 Sep 2018 Administrator

    @yoiklano , You can add an Image download button in your code itself, we want to keep the software as simpler as possible.

  3. I would like this feature as well.

    @admin @yoiklano , You can add an Image download button in your code itself, we want to keep the software as simpler as possible.

    How can i achieve that

  4. 5 years ago

    ihave create function to download file from my aws s3.
    running normally when accessed via a web browser. but when I change it to APK, the download function doesn't work

  5. admin

    12 Dec 2018 Administrator

    @olipiskandar , You can debug your app as follows :

  6. 3 years ago

    Since API 28, local files are forbidden (you cannot download them). At least, not possible now without a little fine-tuning on the Java side.


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